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Awtomic Review | How this platform helps businesses?

84 / 100

Managing a business isnโ€™t like taking a cup of coffee on a cold evening. It takes a lot of effort from employers who are working in different departments. But it becomes harder for even a team of employers to manage a business when it goes to the next level.

It also happens when a business is growing rapidly and gaining immense responses from customers. Do you deal with such an online business? Are you worried about the proper management of your business? If you say yes, you should try using Awtomic tools that will help you in this scenario.

With the help of this platformโ€™s efficient working and features, you will be able to scale your business to the next level. It will help you in growing as well as managing a business properly as compared to manual techniques. Let us tell you about this platform in detail and the related aspects in which it can help you.

What is Awtomic?

It is an AI-based platform that has been designed for e-commerce businesses. This platform becomes more precise for businesses that offer subscriptions or offers like coupons, discounts, etc. Awtomic is the only platform that simplifies all these processes with its advanced algorithm and interface.

Being its user, you donโ€™t need to worry about your customer management. In simple words, if you want to give a subscription to your customers at discounted price for the first time, you can easily save the settings and set them to the original price for the next purchase.


In turn, you donโ€™t have to change the price for every customer like you may have to do with the manual method. You only need to set the subscription as per your requirements and it will be changed automatically after your selected duration.

For whom Awtomic is valuable?

It is a common question because not everyone knows about this platformโ€™s all features and options. Thatโ€™s why it is a simple question asked by business caretakers normally before they get a subscription to Awtomic.

Actually, this platform is suitable for every e-commerce store because of its advanced features. Doesnโ€™t matter whether you have a subscription plan or not to offer to your customers, you can use this platform. It will simplify other business management tasks for you and let you get a sense of comfort during your work.

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If you have a Shopify store, we strongly recommend you to use this platform as it is available with integration to this e-commerce store designing platform. You donโ€™t need to make changes in the settings of your Shopify account when you are using it for your assistance.

How this platform helps a business?

Now, you have realized that Awtomic is useful for all e-commerce stores. But it may be confusion still in your mind and you want to know how this platform will help a business. Here are some facts about this platform reading so that you can easily understand the answer to this question.

People-first interface

We all know that humans like those platforms that are made for them instead of computers, robots, or machines. It has been seen that people love to use those tools that have been designed for them to manage their work instead of automated tools management.

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Awtomic has been designed on this basic principle that makes it a more reliable tool for everyone. It has been designed with a people-first interface which makes it suitable for everyone. Doesnโ€™t matter whether you are new to this field of management or an expert one, you wonโ€™t feel hard to use this tool. It will be pretty simple to manage your tasks using this platform and its built-in tools.

Personalized Subscriptions Offer

As mentioned earlier, this platform offers a personalized subscription option which means you can set a subscription plan for every customer separately. For example, if you have to target different countries through your e-commerce store, let’s say US and China, at the same time.

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You may find it hard to give a discount to the audience from both countries on different occasions like Christmas and Chinese New Year. With the help of the personalized subscriptions option, you can do this easily. It will be simple for you when you are using Awtomic as it has this feature as its core option.

Platform for Merchant/Shoppers

Some platforms are only designed for merchants when it comes to business management. It is because the developers think that such platforms are only accessible to sellers or merchants. But Awtomic has a different concept at the backend that makes it more beneficial and suitable for you.

You donโ€™t need to worry whether you are a merchant or a shopper because it has the necessary features for you. With its important and basic features, you can easily manage your purchase and get them at discounted prices.

Being a customer, you may be looking for a discounted price that has been offered by the merchant using this platform. So, you will be able to find such sales easily through the collection of items and get them purchases whenever you want.

Who can afford an Awtomic subscription?

If we say that Awtomic is affordable for every business, it may be wrong because you may not have enough budget. It is recommended to use this platform only when you have an immense response from the audience and automate the process of customization and growth of your business.

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But if you are in the beginning phase, we wonโ€™t recommend you use it at that stage. It is because the starting price of this platform is $249 per month which may not be affordable for you. Also, you wonโ€™t need such advanced features when you are not even getting one customer a day on your e-commerce store.

No doubt, you can get started with its 14 days free trial but it will be useless for you as you wonโ€™t get the response you are looking for. In the end, you have to pick money from your pocket and invest in this tool to get its subscription or make changes from scratch in case of disconnection from this platform.

Final Words

In this comprehensive blog about Awtomic, we have shared all the necessary features and benefits that your business will get with it. We recommend you use this platform only when you have hundreds of customers in your e-commerce store and feel it is hard to manage.

But if you have only a few visitors, you should try to manage it manually and raise the capital of your business. In turn, you will be able to raise the profit as well as investment for your business to take it to the next level.