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European Union

European Union Launches Investigations into Big Tech DMA

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Introduction Of European Union

The European Union (EU) has initiated formal investigations under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) against three tech behemoths: Alphabet/Google, Apple, and Meta. These investigations mark a significant step in the EU’s efforts to regulate and ensure fair competition in the digital space. The DMA, enacted last fall, designates certain companies as gatekeepers and imposes strict rules to prevent anti-competitive behavior.

European Union

Unveiling the Investigations

Alphabet/Google faces scrutiny over its practices concerning steering within Google Play and self-preferencing in search results. Similarly, Apple’s App Store rules and choice screens for alternative web browsers are under investigation. Meta’s “pay or consent” model, particularly concerning data privacy, is also on the EU’s radar.

The investigations aim to determine whether these companies are violating DMA regulations. Breaches could result in hefty fines, up to 10% of global annual turnover, or even higher for repeat offenses. The EU has up to 12 months to conclude these investigations, with a preliminary report possible within six months.

Concerns and Focus Areas

Google’s potential self-preferencing in search results, Apple’s limitations on app developers’ freedom, and Meta’s data privacy practices are focal points. The European Union is particularly interested in ensuring fair treatment of third-party services in Google’s search results, promoting user choice within the Apple ecosystem, and preventing the accumulation of personal data by gatekeepers like Meta.

Statements from the EU and Tech Giants

Margrethe Vestager, the Commission’s EVP for competition policy, expressed concerns about the companies’ compliance with the DMA. While the tech giants maintain confidence in their DMA compliance plans, they also emphasize ongoing engagement with the EU to address concerns and incorporate feedback.

Criticisms and Further Actions

Despite the companies’ compliance efforts, criticisms persist. Google’s alleged attempts to circumvent DMA regulations and Apple’s restrictions on alternative app stores have drawn scrutiny. However, formal investigations into these specific issues are pending.

Widening the Scope

Beyond the initial investigations, the EU has also taken steps regarding Amazon’s marketplace ranking practices and instructed several gatekeepers to retain documents for compliance assessment. Microsoft, while not under formal investigation, has also received retention orders, indicating the EU’s proactive approach to enforcement.

Meta’s Extension and Interoperability Obligations

Amidst the investigations, Meta received a six-month extension to comply with DMA’s interoperability obligation for Facebook Messenger. This phased approach allows Meta to gradually open its messaging platform to rivals, with basic texting as the initial requirement European Union.


The European Union’s actions underscore its commitment to fostering fair and competitive digital markets. As the investigations progress, stakeholders will closely monitor outcomes, anticipating potential fines and regulatory changes. These developments signify a pivotal moment in the regulation of Big Tech, with implications for competition and innovation in the digital landscape.


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  1. Unique No1 Fisker's Trading Suspended By NYSE: An Analysis
    March 26, 2024


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