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Saleshandy, the best Email Marketer in 2022

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One of the most effective marketing techniques is email marketing. Because of higher ROI, it has become a hot business to work as an email marketer and earn without investing a lot of money. Like other online businesses, you must have to choose some particular tools that will streamline your work i.e Saleshandy.

Such tools will help you in working smoothly and grow properly to earn a handsome income. When it comes to choosing a comprehensive and effective tool that can cover the maximum work of email marketers, no tool can beat the significance of Saleshandy.

Have you read about this tool? Do you want to explore it for better understanding before using it? If yes, this blog will help you because we are going to discuss this platform comprehensively.

What is Saleshandy?

It is a particular suite that includes different tools like an email tracker, built-in templates, and advanced options to send your emails. Saleshandy is an email performance tracking tool that can help you in streamlining your email campaigns and keep an eye on your performance.


This tool has been assembled with multiple software integration as well as tools to track performance. If we say that it is one of the best tools available on the internet now, it will be right. Due to its comprehensive features, it has gained much popularity as compared to other tools available for the same cause.

In the following sections, we are going to discuss the useful features of Saleshandy for email marketers. You can easily understand them because we will discuss them briefly.

Useful features of Saleshandy for Email Marketers

ร˜ Email Template

Do you know what is the main problem you have to face while working as an email marketer? It is the writing process of emails for the same or different campaigns. It is common to have short words when you are writing emails for the same niche or category. The reason is you have to be creative enough to choose the right set of words for emails. Also, you will feel hard to think how to draft emails if you are unable to understand the template. Saleshandy has resolved this problem because of its built-in templates.

Email template
Email Template

You can explore the collection of templates and choose the one just according to your work requirements. In this way, it is simple for you to choose a particular template for email and write it accordingly to get better conversion.

ร˜ Auto Follow-Up Emails

For email marketers, it is hard to remember the time of follow-up emails. Also, many marketers think hesitant when looking to send follow-up emails. The reason is they feel awkward and unable to write effective emails for follow-up. Many marketers make the mistake of sending the same emails again and again. It will reduce the conversion rate as well as increase spam detection chances. To resolve this problem, developers have launched Saleshandy with the follow-up emails option.

Auto Follow-Up Emails
Auto Follow-Up Emails

In simple words, you can send follow-up emails timely even without facing issues. Along with this, you can set those emails to be sent at particular times. In this way, you donโ€™t need to remember when you have to send a follow-up email to your customers.

ร˜ Scheduled Email Sending

Do you know what is the core factor to make sure success of your campaigns? It is a timely approach to your target audience. It is common to send emails to customers in their off time. This problem occurs commonly when you are targeting an audience living in an opposite time zone. To approach your audience, you may either have to change your work schedule or look for a way to approach them at their concerned time. Saleshandy has a particular option to schedule your emails to be sent at a particular time.

Scheduled Email Sending
Scheduled Email Sending

It means that you can schedule the time and date to send your emails to particular customers. By doing this, you can easily go and get your sleep because the system will automatically send your emails. You donโ€™t need to click on any button to do this when you have scheduled the emails using this tool.

ร˜ Complete Tracking

Tracking is important for checking the performance of your email campaigns and making sure that you are moving in the right direction. Sometimes, it is common to have an option of tracking in some tools. But most tools just track your email for a particular time or let you track a few parts of your email like text only. Saleshandy enables you to get a complete tracking report unless you track your written text only. It means that you can easily track documents attached to your email to know whether the receiver has opened them or not. Also, you will be able to know how many times your emails have been checked.

Complete Tracking
Complete Tracking

In this way, you can get an idea of what is the issue in your email and how you can resolve the problem to get a better conversion rate. As a result, it is pretty simple to get a higher conversion rate and make your campaigns successful.

ร˜ Multiple Mailing Accounts

It is common to think that there is only one way to send emails which is via Gmail. Keep in mind that there are multiple channels through which you can create an email address and run your campaigns. Whether you are using Yahoo email or any other channel, you can send emails through any of those accounts. You can connect your multiple email accounts with Saleshandy and send emails through any of those from time to time. To choose a particular account, you will be shown connected email addresses at the top.

Multiple Mailing Accounts
Multiple Mailing Accounts

How it is useful to choose Saleshandy over others?

No doubt, Saleshandy has multiple features over other suites for the same purpose. But it is common to think how it is better because people can choose different tools from time to time for particular sections.


The most useful feature of this tool is its affordable package. It is easy for any marketer to choose this tool because of its low price. Whether you are a beginner or have short of budget, you can easily choose this platform to buy their subscription. It will not let you face problems like high budget requirements.

Final Words

With the above discussion, you must have got an idea about Saleshandy features and their useful features for email marketers. It is a fruitful tool to use for your campaigns and make them successful. You should use this tool because it doesnโ€™t ask you to go through complex steps to run your campaigns because of its simple interface.