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How You’re Using SaneBox To Save 3 Hours Per Week On Email?

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Every internet user checks his email in his daily routine. It is almost not possible that a person has not checked his email in a single day. But this task is more common for professionals as it is a major channel for them to perform different tasks.

As per reports, a professional employer checks his email after every 20 minutes during his work. In this way, every user spends a lot of time doing so and exploring emails. But not all emails are beneficial for the person as he may be getting some spam emails or inappropriate emails from brands.

Are you one of those users? Do you want to know how you can reduce this time and save 3 hours per week in this regard? You are at the right place because we are going to show you how to do this using a specified tool named Sanebox. To get a better idea and save time, you should read this guide till the end.

How you can save 3 hours per week?

When people search for Sanebox, they look for normal software to manage their emails. For a beginner, it has no worth than other software. It is completely wrong because this software can save more than 3 hours of your week while browsing emails. Letโ€™s dive into the ocean of knowledge to get a better idea of how it will happen.ย 

Create Separate Folders                    

Normally, you may be spending time checking emails from your inbox. There is no doubt that users donโ€™t check their spam folders or others as they think it wonโ€™t be helpful for them. But have you noticed you are getting multiple emails in your folder that are just useless for you?

But you canโ€™t have an idea about the emailโ€™s intentions unless you have opened it or read it. With the help of Sanebox, you can resolve this problem as it has an advanced algorithm. This software enables its users to create different folders for every type of email.


In simple words, you can create a different folder for newsletters, CC emails, and others. Whenever you will get a specified email, it will be sent to its concerned folder without any manual action.

In turn, it will be easy for you to estimate whether the email is beneficial for you or not by having a look at its category. Moreover, it will be easy to manage emails and find them quickly when you have set them in different folders.

Enable Direct Trash Feature

For professionals, it is common to get emails from some people they donโ€™t want to get. Sometimes, the relationship between sender and receiver becomes difficult to continue. In this regard, a person doesnโ€™t want to waste his time by checking their emails even accidentally.


You can save a lot of time with the help of the Sanebox direct trash feature. This tool will allow you to add all email addresses from where you donโ€™t want to get emails in a specific list. Once you have done this, the tool will automatically detect their emails and send them to the trash folder. In simple words, their email wonโ€™t be visible to you in the future unless you have restored their email address from the list.

Regain Lost Connection

How do you feel when you get more than 50 emails per day? Can you keep all emails on your screen even if they have been received a few days ago? Obviously, it is not possible because the top rank will be taken by new coming emails.

In such a condition, a professional can lose some email addresses or feel it is hard to get them back. Sanebox has launched a specific feature to help its users in regaining their lost connections. Yes, you can get back the lost connections from your email and save them for later purposes.

Sanebox Get lost connection

Simply, we can say that this feature will enable you to extract the email addresses of your customers if you have lost them. In turn, you can gather them in the list and use them whenever you want.

Donโ€™t Switch, Use One

It is common thing for a professional to use different email services including Gmail, Yahoo, and others. The task to check all email boxes multiple times in a day will take a lot of time. What if you are asked to merge all those accounts in a single window? It will reduce your time investment in this regard.

But the question is how to do so and add all your accounts in a single section. Sanebox can help you in this regard and let you save more than 3 hours per week by combining different accounts. You can use this tool to merge all your accounts from different service providers.

In this way, you can set all those accounts in a single window to have a single account. With a single click on the same screen, you can switch to any of your accounts and send your emails quickly. In this way, it will save you time in switching to different profiles and checking all emails one by one.

Get Mails in Free Times

Every person has the right to take a break from his time and quit all his work even the task to check emails. In the standard email services, you will not get any feature like this. It means that you will get annoying notifications related to emails all the time.

Sanebox Later Folder

In turn, you will waste a lot of time checking those emails when you are on vacation. You can save time by using Sanebox as it has a scheduled email feature. With the help of this, you can snooze emails and send them in pending for your specific time. Simply, you can choose when you want to get new emails in your account and check them.


In the above section, we have listed some features of Sanebox to save time. By using this tool, you can save more than 3 hours in a week and invest it in any other task. In this way, you can increase the productivity of your work and get maximum profit from your business.