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How email overload has affected your business or personal life?

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If you have ever felt overwhelmed by getting multiple emails in a day, don’t worry you are not alone. Almost every email user in business has to face this problem and look for a solution to get relaxed in this regard.

In this time of the internet, almost every business is promoting itself through emails. It is because a person has to get multiple emails from different companies to get their products and services. This blog aims to tell you what this situation is called, its impacts on a business, and how a specific tool called Sanebox can help you in resolving the problem.

What is Email overload?

It is a specific condition when a user has to get multiple emails in a day. It doesn’t only belong to an individual but this situation is also experienced by businesses. In short, Email overload is a situation in which multiple emails from different businesses, individuals, and companies are received by a particular account holder.


This condition makes the process to manage emails and respond to them hard. For many people, it is impossible to reply to all emails and they left them unread. In turn, their inbox will get filled and they have to face problems like extended storage and others after some time.

How email overload affects the business or personal life?

As mentioned earlier, Email overload makes the process to manage emails hard for a person. But it is not limited to an individual account holder. This situation is also faced by businesses as they keep getting emails from their customers, related businesses, and team members.

This condition can leave a bad impact on the survival of a business. Also, an individual can feel irritated while getting many emails every day. It is common for an individual to get emails from unwanted sources too that is the most irritating situation.

On the other side, a business can face multiple problems like less productivity, slow response time, and others. Here are some harmful impacts that your business can get from email overload.

  • Reduce team performance
  • Less productive outcomes
  • Low-quality customer care services
  • Keep the account manager disturb

The above-mentioned problems are harmful to both individuals and businesses of all fields. That’s why everyone looks for the solution to this problem and wants to get it resolved. The most efficient way to resolve it is by using Sanebox.

It is a particular software that can help you in organizing your emails. This software will allow you to receive emails, manage them separately, and respond to them whenever you want. All in all, it can help you in managing all email-related tasks.


Here we will show you how this tool can help you in resolving problems like Email overload. Let’s have a look at the following section.

How Sanebox can help in managing email overload?

No doubt, Sanebox can help you with different aspects related to email management. But the core aim of this blog is to tell you how this tool will be helpful for you in dealing with email overload. So, we have enlisted only those features that will help you in this condition.

Email Snoozing

When you are getting multiple unwanted or unimportant emails on regular basis, you may have left what is necessary for you. In this regard, you might be thinking to stop emails from those unwanted accounts for a specific time.

Sanebox has a specific feature of Email snoozing that can help you in this regard. With the help of this feature, you can easily get emails at a later time. You only have to set an email address and choose the snooze feature.

Snooze Emails with Sanebox

This tool will allow you to choose how much time you want those emails in a separate folder. For your specified time, those emails won’t be shown on your screen. All emails from those accounts will be sent to a separate folder that will be hidden for you.

After your selected time, all emails will be shown on your screen. In this way, you can resolve the problem of email overload by reducing unwanted emails.

One-tap Unsubscribing Feature

No doubt, multiple email management tools are available to deal with email overload. But those tools will ask you to follow some steps for getting rid of some email accounts and their emails. For example, you are getting emails from a brand that is useless for you and you want to stop emails from those accounts.

You have to perform different steps to delete all their emails and unsubscribe from them. Sanebox, on the other hand, will allow you to solve this problem with a single click. This tool has a particular folder named “SaneBlackHole” that allows you to unsubscribe without doing a manual effort.

Direct Trash

To do this, you only need to drag and drop emails in this folder. This tool will automatically delete emails and unsubscribe from the newsletters of the platform from where you are getting those emails. In short, it will enable you to reduce the emails you are getting per day by unsubscribing from unwanted newsletters.

Email Separation Facility

Another effective approach to avoid email overload or resolve this problem is by separating the emails. By doing so, you will be able to get emails from different accounts of your concerns in different folders. In this way, you can decide whether you need to check a folder or do it later.

Similarly, it is possible that you won’t even leave a single email unread at a specific time. But it is hard to do this manually as you have to drag and drop emails from a specific folder manually again and again. Sanebox has resolved this problem with its advanced email separation folder feature.

email Separation

You can easily set multiple accounts in a specific category or type of email. For example, if you have a team to manage, you can create a folder for them and get their emails in that folder. Similarly, if you have a business to take care of, you can choose a separate folder for related categories and departments.

In this way, you can get relief from email overload as it will allow you to have a look at emails at your desired time. Also, you will not leave important emails unchecked as you know which type of emails will be delivered in a specific folder.


In the above blog, we have discussed the most common problem for email marketers, businesses, and individuals. You have enough information about email overload now and know how to resolve this problem.

We recommend you use Sanebox for this purpose because of its advanced feature. You will get multiple features that won’t be available in many other tools.